Stop Smoking


Free Hour Consultation Session

1x 1.5 – 2 Hour Hypnotherapy Session

All sessions need to be paid for 48 hours before the scheduled session.   For sessions held in person, at least 48 hours notice must be given or £15 fee will need to be made to cover room hire.



Do you want to stop smoking now?

My Stop Smoking service is designed to help you to become a non-smoker and know how to stay a non-smoker.

Imagine what your life could be like when you are a non-smoker – think about the difference it might make to your home life, your daily routine, socialising, working, and travelling.  Enjoy how it will feel to know you are in control of your life.  If you are truly committed, hypnosis could be an effective way to help you give up smoking.

What can I offer you?

In the free one hour consultation session we will explore your social history and lifestyle.  This includes why you started smoking, your current motivation to continue to smoke, and your motivation to stop smoking.   We will look at issues such as the cost (financial as well as health and relationships) of smoking, and the consequences of smoking for you.  We will use the time to get to know you and your unique model of the world.   From this, I will develop a bespoke hypnosis script designed to support you directly.

The hypnotic session for smoking cessation is longer than all other types of hypnotherapy, usually up to 2 hours.   I have successfully delivered the session in person and via zoom, with no difference in outcome for the client.

Please book in for a free consultation and we can talk about the first step you are taking towards being a non-smoker.